user experience



The design thinking process looks like this: empathize define ideate prototype test. I start with a user and find a solution that answers their specific problem.




Upper Valley Haven

The Upper Valley Haven serves people struggling with poverty by providing food, shelter, education, service coordination, and other support.

My team and I researched issues related to food insecurity and poverty, then created cohesive reports and presentations to brief on those findings and our solutions.

Read through our full final report here, watch the presentation by clicking on a slide photo, or check out what Zoe and Sofia are up to now.


Hana, the Baby Monitor

My group and I were tasked with engineering a product that would “improve lives.”

After research, we discovered that parents who are deaf or hard of hearing were a large, yet relatively underserved demographic.

Through dozens of iterations, user testing, and comparative research, we arrived at a wearable baby monitor.


Beehive Playhouse

A Vermont daycare requested a redesigned playground; their equipment was falling apart and their kids were bored. After my initial idea for a beehive theme was chosen, my team and I got to assigning roles. My job was to design and build a safe and fun playhouse structure. After several drafts, long hours in the woodshop, and a few broken tools... a 6 foot honeycomb playhouse emerged.